How Do I Ask… That?

Written by on September 20, 2019

I’ve had a good many listeners to the podcast say something like, “I have a question for the podcast, but I’m not sure how to ask it.”

To which I say, “So what’s your question?”

And, predictably, I get no response. Because, as they said, they’re not sure how to ask it.

Let me see if I can help clear things up. If you have a question that you’re not sure how to ask, don’t think that when you send it in unformed that we’re just going to make a show about it.  That would do no one any good. Rather, send in the topic and just say, “I’m not sure what my question is, but this is on my mind.” And then do your best to fill in the rest. Before anything else happens, we’ll be in touch and try to flesh things out with you and help you formulate that question. Chances are someone else is having the same struggle or issue or wrestling with a similar topic. And you being brave enough to get it out there will not only help yourself but someone else as well.

So let us know what you’re thinking! We want to hear from you!, VM/Text to 864-660-9473.

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